Thursday, October 29, 2009


photographs: sights. shoes. slippery lighting. 

love me some morning fog, discovering new streets and coming across old/familiar ones, the loose tile in my flat, cooking breakfast to shuffled christmas tunes, rue mouffetard on sunday (er, any day), my paris pratique from 2004, candied almonds from the market, bbm-ing lulu, cobblestone, the bernards' espresso machine & itsy bitsy cups, checking the weather from bed, feeling lucky. 

was in the museum day mood but they were not in the mood for me. d'orsay: 2 hr wait, picasso: closed (strange), kate moss: lack of funding date push back. but, carnavalet and the galleries around place des vosges were trustworthy as always. and the vogue covers exhibit down the champs was swell.
gorgeous runs through the forest this week. the weather has been perfect.
i will be attempting a tissue paper christmas tree today. oh a&c, why did people ever abandon you? fools.
i'm getting a (faux) fur coat --- and i don't care what anyone says.
paris when the sun goes down is surreal.
favorite moment: morning after it rains when the sun is light but strong enough to toast your chilled skin, shadows of clouds are rolling overhead, the breeze is just perfect, and the air smells heavenly. thank you, saturday.