Monday, December 7, 2009

Noël à Paris. and then some.

christmas in paris: at the request of LL.
ca, i love because...
vin chaud. mountains of chocolate. twinkle lights. seasonal macaroons. markets (ambiance over product quality). happy? french people. visible december delight. carols singing me sweet. handsome men in scarves (no, wait, that’s year ‘round). persimmons. holiday candles. wool socks. a skip in my step. 

saved the best markets for last. the best being saint sulpice and la defense, and last being this weekend. and to frost my state of bliss, the ice rink at hotel de ville will welcome slipping and sliding by week’s end. blessed parisian december, you border perfection. round 2 photos to soon follow.

and here...just a sprinkle more of paris (without the festive flair). because i can never get enough.
photos: baaah, oui.