i befriended a starbucks near class. jazz, welcoming chairs, no one rushing my coffee/study time. i’m sorry. i had to. don't judge me.
joshua radin. one. only. always. the love of my life. the end.
the play button on the christmas play list has been pushed. oh this makes me so happy!
while it hurts my heart to miss 2 weeks of travel time, i'm looking forward to seeing some of the beautiful familiar faces found in ny and sd this december.
the kids in the house facing my flat play instruments (many), and each night on my walk home i cross my fingers hoping they will be practicing as i pass.
on a run this morning, i watched three deer cross 10 feet ahead. such speed and such grace.
local artists gallery last weekend = lovely.
my town has been explored. consensus? completely darling. and will be the quaintest of quaint when wrapped tightly in a blanket of snow. oh winter, find me.
a few of my favorite things